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Notice of Annual General Meeting


Notice of meeting – Annual General Meeting
When: 20 March 2022 2PM
Where: Knight Stream School, 1 Killarney Road, Halswell




The President and Committee invite members to enjoy an afternoon tea with us at our ninety-eighth Annual General Meeting.

1. Notice of meeting
2. Welcome
3. Apologies
4. In Remembrance
5. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 21 March 2021
6. Matters Arising
7. Correspondence
8. Presentation and Adoption of Presidents Report
9. Presentation and Adoption of Museum Report
10. Presentation and Adoption of the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ended December 31st 2021
11. Election of Officers and Committee
12. Nomination of Auditor
13. General Business
14. Any other Matters

This is your opportunity to come along and have your say on the running of the Association and to suggest changes if you wish. You are the Association, so please come. The general committee are all willing to stand again.

We do need a Treasurer again, Annette our Treasurer has, unfortunately for us, family commitments that are unavoidable at the moment. These things happen, so who is able to put their hand up and contribute to the smooth running of the Association? We can’t operate without a Treasurer, everything is running smoothly, so can you help out?

With more of you on email we have decided again to email all those financial members a copy of our audited accounts prior to the AMG for your perusal. It worked well last year and it gives you an opportunity to digest the figures at ease and reduces our costs at the same time. There will still be available some printed copies at the AGM, and of course our accounts are filed with the Registrar of Inc Societies just the same as always.

We thought this year we ask you to bring your oldest photograph for a sort of ‘show and tell’ before afternoon tea. Do you have one of where your ancestors lived here in New Zealand perhaps, or early Christchurch?
How many of you remember the time in Cathedral Square, when your parents and grandparents got dressed up to go to town, all very smart in their hat and for the women gloves, and were photographed by the photographer who always seemed to ‘lurk’ in front of the Cathedral?
He must have done a roaring trade, it was very popular at a time when photography wasn’t easily available to the ordinary working man.

Remember to bring your vaccine pass and wear a mask. This is especially important as we meet in a school.

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