Our ANZAC Heroes
Within 50 years of our Pilgrims and Early Settlers arriving in their new homes in New Zealand, these men and women and/or their children were recalled to the Motherland to fight wars in far off lands. These are some of…
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Within 50 years of our Pilgrims and Early Settlers arriving in their new homes in New Zealand, these men and women and/or their children were recalled to the Motherland to fight wars in far off lands. These are some of…
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First Impressions Antony House (and its library) is very near Plymouth, from where John Robert, Charlotte and 2 year old ‘little Arthur’ Godley sailed for New Zealand, aboard the Lady Nugent on 12th December 1849. Immediately prior to sailing, they…
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The house built for John Robert Godley, his wife Charlotte and their son, ‘little Arthur’, in Lyttelton, in 1850. Godley was Agent General for the Canterbury Association and a sort of ‘Governor’ for the first two years of the Canterbury…
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John Robert Godley died in London in 1861, at the age of 47. This photo of his son, Arthur (the ‘Little Arthur of Lyttelton’ a decade before) was taken in the same year and this photo of Godley’s wife, Charlotte,…
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‘Margaret en Maori’, Charlotte and John Robert Godley’s 5th and youngest child Margaret Godley, in ‘A study of a Maori Lady in traditional dress’. The watercolour is painted in 1863 by Charlotte’s favourite sister, Frances, the recipient of some of…
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