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Thomas Francis Northcote

Thomas Francis NorthcoteMy father went to Cambridge University in 1912.
Like most returned servicemen he never talked about his war time experiences and we never asked.
The following details came from a lady in England who was an expert in military research.


His official records reads –

  • T F Northcote joined King Edwards Horse in the ranks when undergraduate at Cambridge 6 Nov 1913.
  • Embodied 5 August 1914.
  • Promoted to Lance Corporal, then Corporal, then Sergeant all between October and December 1914.
  • Discharged 27 May 1915 on being granted a commission in the same unit.
  • Posted to reserve Squadron which moved from Waterford to Bishops Stortford in April then to France.Royal Flying Corp
  • Transferred to Royal Flying Corp (RFC) Sept 1916.
  • Posted to 45 Squadron as an Observer.
  • Wounded in leg 20 February 1917.
  • Passed Medical Board at Perevale for ground duties only and posted to 84 Squadron as Gunnery Instructor 20 December 1917.
  • Promoted Lieutenant 20 February 1918
  • Awarded Military O.B.E 3rd July 1919
  • Mentioned in despatches 11 July 1919
  • Demobilised 2 August 1919.