When: 2pm 19th March 2023
Where: Knight Stream School, 1 Killarney Road, Halswell
Speaker: Dr Rupert Tipples
This is your opportunity to come along and have your say on the running of the Association and to suggest changes if you wish. You are the Association, so please come. The general committee are all willing to stand again. We would also like some new committee members in this our centenary year, so please consider joining us, it is not onerous.
Our Association is only as good as the members make it.
We have Dr Rupert Tipples the President of the Lincoln Historical Association coming to give a power point presentation on the things that they do in their area. It promises to be an interesting presentation.
We have also found a volunteer for the position as Treasurer, much to the committees relief.
Albert Kruize has put his hand up, so please come and give him your support and vote him into the position.
With more of you on email we have decided again to email all those financial members a copy of our audited accounts prior to the AMG for your perusal.
It worked well last year and it gives you an opportunity to digest the figures at ease and reduces our costs at the same time. There will still be available some printed copies at the AGM, and of course our accounts are filed with the Registrar of Inc Societies just the same as always.
After our meeting there will be afternoon tea, it would be appreciated by the committee if you could bring a plate, and time to catch up with everyone.
We look forward to seeing you all again.